Kidney medicine and kidney failure advice.©published 2012.07.04 updated 2025.01.04

Kidney medicine and kidney failure advice.©published 2012.07.04 updated 2025.01.04


How to KNOW if the Kidney could be at CKD risk?

Suspecting Chonic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Road to CKD awareness & education for everyone

Road to CKD awareness & education for everyone

The kidney may be normal, yet it could be at risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD), if someone or any of the family members suffers from diseases that can cause kidney problems. This state could be stated 'CKD-0', at  zero level of chronic kidney disease. 


  • While you remain healthy, you need to be vigilant. You should consider the following actions:

☑ Calculate your CKD risk scores at UK NHS Qkidney risk calculator©.

☑ Check urine routine test & Protein/Creatinine ratio.

☑ Do blood tests for glucose and Creatinine.

☑ Check your Blood pressure.

☑ Do ultrasound of kidney.

  • With all results, visit a kidney specialist.
  • Repeat the blood & urine tests 🗒every 2/3 years with advise of the doctor.


  • At any time if you become ill, check your symptoms with the following link to assess your condition initially. It may guide you to seek medical attention:


Be smart and be vigilant

Be brave and be confident
