FOOD to avoid in CKD. Avoid the redlight zones.
Good food habit in CKD.
Food habit is very important in CKD. Certain food can be life threatening, some food may affect Skeleton growth, some food can affect metabolic syndrome, some food may cause vascular damage, while some kind of food may cause acute Kidney injuries (AKI) and some food may cause rapid worsening of CKD. Therfore, you need to be mindful of what you eat.
Nutrition in Summery :
Salt (5gm/day) and required amount of water as permitted.
- Weight control with stable BMI<25).
- Dietary control of Blood Pressure.
- Dietary control for diabetic glucose level.
- Controled fruits / vegetables rich in Potassium (<2g/day), Phosphate (<0.8g/day), Oxalate (<0.2g/day) and Ascorbate (converted to Oxalate in Liver.
- Protein intake in CKD-ND 0.8g/kg/day + TUP, in CKD-HD 1.2g/kg/day, in CKD-PD 1.5g/kg/day and in CKD-Tx 0.8g/kg/day. (Normal intake is 1g/kg/day. CKD needs protein restrictions. HD is hypercatebolic, hence requires slightly more. PD is associated with Peritoneal protein loss, hence needs additional amount. Transplant Recipient is itself a CKD, hence follows CKD diet.
- To maintain hemoglobin (Hb) 11-12g/dl, needs iron supplements.
- Needs vitamin supplements and Calcium with food. May also need active Vitamin D.