PANDEMICS - as a Chronic Kidney Disease patient, what you ought to do.
- COVID-19 Vaccines
- Atlas of COVID-19
- What we know about COVID-19
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for patients with kidney disease
- Current management of COVID-19
- Artficial Organ suport
- References
1. COVID-19 Vaccines
A. Current vaccines: Pfizer-BioNTeck modRNA vaccine, Oxford(AZ)-Sputnik vaccine and Sinovac corona vaccine.
Pfizer & Moderna vac: It is an RNA vaccine composed of nucleoside-modified mRNA (modRNA) encoding a mutated form of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which is encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles. The vaccination requires two doses given three weeks apart. The particle fuses with cells and with cellular protein synthesis to produce the spike protein. This spike proteins induces antibody production by T lymphocytes against the corona virus spike protein to provide the immunity.
Oxford-Sputnik vac: A diagram showing how the Oxford COVID-19 vaccine works. A chimpanzee adenovirus is used in the ChAdOx1 viral vector, engineered to match the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. The Oxford vaccine contains the genetic sequence of this surface spike protein. When the vaccine enters cells inside the body, it uses this genetic code to produce the surface spike protein of the coronavirus. This induces an immune response, priming the immune system to attack the coronavirus if it later infects the body.
Sinovac or CoronaVac: Chinese vaccine is an inactivated vaccine candidate against COVID-19, created from African green monkey kidney cells (Vero cells) that have been inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 (CN02 strain). At the end of the incubation period, the virus was harvested, inactivated with β-propiolactone, concentrated, purified, and finally absorbed onto aluminium hydroxide. The aluminium hydroxide complex was then diluted in a sodium chloride, phosphate-buffered saline, and water solution before being sterilised and filtered ready for injection.
B. Newer Vaccines NOVAVAX and Johnson & Johnson vaccine
C. Concensus on COVID-19 vaccines by regulatory bodies
____________________________ 2. Atlas of COVID-19 from literatures
3. What we know about COVID-19
____________________________ 4. Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for patients with kidney disease
These advices have been produced by the Kidney Care organizations of UK for chronic kidney disease patients during the period of COVID-19 pandemic.
Please go to the link below to get your desired information.
Abridged from the above website.
🛑 A) If you have either:
🛑B) If you're a contact of a COVID-19 caseOr
Stay at Home
🛑C) People who have had a transplant or take a certain level of immunosuppressive medicines are advised to start strict self-isolation.
🛑D) Other group of patients that need self-isolation
You are at very high risk and will need to self-isolate yourself if you are in at least one of the following groups:
* You have a transplant
* If you over 70 and are on any form of immunosuppression or have been on one in the past
* Your kidney disease is caused by inflammation, a condition of your kidneys (sometimes called an autoimmune condition) AND-
* If you are currently receiving intravenous cyclophosphamide treatment or rituximab treatment or have done so within the last 6 months
* If you are receiving cyclophosphamide treatment as tablets (oral treatment)
* If you have received prednisolone at a dose equal to or above 20mg tablets every day for more than 4 weeks any time within the last 6 months
* If you have received or currently are receiving more than 5mg every day of prednisolone for greater than 4 weeks taken with at least one other immunosuppressive type of medicine within the last 6 months.
* If you suffer with nephrotic syndrome
* For children, who have the above kidney diseases.
5. Current management of COVID-19
Current management strategies against Corona Virus infection:
These are the main strategies with details in the web links
6. Artificial life support
COVID-19, as shown in the picture, is a Multisystem disorder culminating in respective organ failure, involving diffuse inflammation with activation of Classic and Alternate Complement Activation resulting in systemic inflammatory response syndrome with release of complement by-products, diffuse intravascular coagulation syndrome, and thromboembolic disorder as a result of endothelial damage by the virus.
All these pathologies culminate in organ damage and organ failure. Survival needs Artficial Organ support.
Artficial Organ suport.
A) Acute respiratory failure
Machine ventilation with positive pressure ventilation
ECMO, Extra Corporeal Machine Oxygenation
B) Acute Renal Failure
Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT)
Haemodialysis, Acute peritoneal dialysis
C) Acute Liver failure
MARS, Molecular Adsorption recirculation systar.
D) Acute Circulatory failure
IABP, Intra Aortic Ballon counter-pulsating pump
E) Acute Left Ventricular failure
LVAD, Left ventricr Assisted Device
F) DIVC with vascular clotting,
Be smart and be vigilant
Be brave and be confident